Hi-Tech System Designers and Integrators
24h/7d a week Central Station Alarm Monitoring
Our own 24h Alarm Monitoring Station, uses computer servers and interconnected telecommunication equipment capable to guarantee an excellent and very reliable management of incoming alarm signals.

Altronic is certified by the Hellenic Police to operate in the field of security, and in combination with its trusted and individually also certified by the police personnel, can offer services classified as highly confidential.

The services and service options provided by our Central Station include:
1. Reception of alarm signals, event recording and immediate notification of it to the Police, to __the Customer and to all others who were declared by the Customer.
2. Automatic and periodic diagnostics of all subscribed to our monitoring station systems, and
__signal reception of good operation status. Extra signalling in case of faulty operation and/or __required technical maintenance intervention.
3. Telematics Services for the remote Operation & Control of Systems, directly from our Central
4. Remote changes, interventions and upgrades to Software of installed systems.
5. 24 hour Help Desk to provide Customer Telephone Support on system operation in case they
__need it.
6. Generation and mailing to customer of monthly reports containing all system operation and
__event history.
7. Other services (classified)