Hi-Tech System Designers and Integrators
Engineering Consultancy for the R & D of Technical Solutions
After our continuous operation for over 35 years in the fields of advanced
electronic systems, our engineers by combining their knowledge, their experience
and a non-stop updating in technology developments, provide to the customer
optimum solutions fully compliant to any special needs.
The consultancy services offered to the customer, go always through the following
procedural steps, which ensure and contribute to an excellent technical and of
high quality outcome:
1. Customer exposes and describes his problem. He eventually also proposes the requirements
__needed to be satisfied by the system for the solution of the problem.
_ With all this as starting point, we will:
2. Analyze the problem and define its causes.
3. Examine customer requirements and propositions.
4. Locate possible difficulties in finding a feasible solution.
5. Develop preferably more than one solutions, together with a table to easily compare, both
__technically and financially, the advantages and disadvantages of each one against the other.
6. Based to all above, and to all further discussions with the customer, select the optimum
7. Design, presentation and submission of the final study to the customer, to be applied for the
__project implementation.