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Hi-Tech System Designers and Integrators
Altronic, in cooperation with some of the leading
worldwide suppliers of conveyor belt and X-ray
screening systems, designed and installed in the
International Airport of Thessaloniki, the first 100%
automated HBS (Holding Baggage Screening)
system with variable baggage flow capabilities.
The solutions that we offer, are designed and
manufactured to satisfy the customer special
needs and requirements up to the maximum extent,
by having as only limitations the existing available
space dictated by the airport topology plus of
course the obligation of full compliance to the
international HBS airport standards.
We adapt the installation and maintenance
procedures of such systems to each airport special
needs and restrictions as better as possible, in
order to succeed while keeping the system
reliability high, to minimize the time of airport
operations disruptions during both the installation
and maintenance period.
Airport Baggage Handling & Holding Baggage Screening Systems
(Automated BHS / HBS)