Hi-Tech System Designers and Integrators
Applying Existing Studies of Electronic Systems for Implementation
For the successful implementation of a project, our company follows witout
making any exception, the following procedural steps:
1. Analysis of the project study.
2. Locating possible difficulties and problems that might arise during the implementation.
3. Development of solutions for the full compliance to the project requirements.
4. Submission of proposals with variations to be discussed for the optimization of the project.
__These include also the elimination of possible missing issues of the initial study, both of
__technical and of financial content.
5. Submission of implementation time schedule. (Gantt Charts).
6. Management and Coordination of works.
7. Construction, Delivery and Initialization of System Operation.
8. Checking and Testing procedures, to ensure full compliance to both the initial study and the
__agreed variations of above item 4.