Hi-Tech System Designers and Integrators
Electronic People Counting Systems - Visitors Statistics
The Counting of Visitors to commercial sites, points of
sales and public sites in general which are related to money
income processes, contributes to the monitoring, evaluation
and generation of useful data statistical reports for defining
future sales tendencies and improving the sales
management and part-time personnel allocation.
This system can be expanded with no limits to a chain of
multiple sites of a large organization and provide an
integrated result for all sites together, or even results on a
per site basis. Data are automatically collected and
recorded in a central application server, which after
additional processing can provide the following information:
• Number of visitors within a specified time frame (daily, monthly etc.)
• Counting of visitor flow rate on a time and date basis, so that peak visitor hours can easily be defined
and manage with a higher efficiency the services offered to the public.
• Evaluation of exhibited products attractiveness and marketability, based to the calculation of the
percentage from the total number of visitors, who actually contributed to at least one sale.
• Any other information on statistical data needed to satisfy special user requirements.